Thursday, 20 December 2012

Finally done with our project presentation...!!!! :) 

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Successfully installed "Eucalyptus 3.2" and trying to install the monitoring tools...few more hours for the deadline...hope we will be done with it..!!!
yippieeeee...Eucalyptus 3.2 is just released...!!! we are going to have a tryy with our coffee mugs :) :D
Eucalyptus hasn't been configured for Hybrid.We had a chat with Euca Support Team..Eucalyptus 3.2 supports all the features which is yet to be released...!!! :/
Cato website is also down from the last two days.... :( waiting for a reply  from the Cato community support team...!!!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

OMG not able to access CCC VSphere:( one day before the project submission......  
In our  Eucalyptus private cloud, We started EUTESTER that provides the framework  to validate and benchmark processes and security features.
EUCALYPTUS 3.2 Provides all the hybrid features ., waiting for its release eagerly! 

Monday, 17 December 2012

CatoEnterprise to PuppetEnterprise ... hope it works
Cato Created a BIG PROBLEM for US :(
GateWay TimeOut Error @ RightScale for Eucalyptus Private Cloud

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Time to Hybrid cloud EUCALYPTUS+AWS=HYBRID :)
Trying to View the instance using VNC CONTROLLER... Getting error

main: unable to connect to host: No route to host (113)

I am tired now.. my eyes r comming out after this attempt and then I cant't see anythng.. even vnc:D

Saturday, 15 December 2012

This is the final answer i got from the Eucalyptus Support team for the question
Q: We have successfully installed Eucalyptus on VM, everything is working fine, But our instance in Eucalyptus is not getting to running state. we have tried with managed novlan mode and static mode, Can we get help to solve this problem?
we don't advice to run eucalyptus in a vm and we don't support it directly. You have to work on bare machine to install and successfully run instances of your Eucalyptus cloud. Better Luck. 


Friday, 14 December 2012

Fed up with this screen all the time when the process runs...............!!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

After our long trial on eucalyptus 3.1 to migrate instances to AWS public cloud, left with no results. Had a conversation with Eucalyptus support team on IRC free node, eucalyptus 3.1 has no features supporting all the hybrid functionalities. The new release Eucalyptus 3.2 has updated with all thiese features and we are waiting for its release to have a trial.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

CATO issue., Had a conversation with CATO team., As of his knowledge, its not possible to use CATO for virtual private cloud :( trying to  trouble shoot .

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Monday, 3 December 2012

Security issues in private cloud. Building Threat modelling for our private cloud 

Friday, 30 November 2012

Faced the problem with change of status of instance, It was in pending state. 

IN CC,  setting the subnet ip and gateway address in the network configuration module in  eucalyptus.conf file 

Thursday, 29 November 2012

TYPO error :( while registering kernel image and ramdisk image.  just re-registered it and its working fine..:)

How to get rid of this?

[root@eucanode kvm-kernel]# euca-run-instances emi-21C335F8 -k suresh.priv
RunInstancesType: Failed to lookup kernel image information eki-8A553D65--ramdisk because of: Failed to lookup image: eki-8A553D65--ramdisk because of example: [KernelImageInfo manifestLocation=null signature=null checksum=null checksumType=null bundleSizeBytes=null imageName=null description=null architecture=null imagePublic=null platform=null imageType=kernel permissions=[] productCodes=[] deviceMappings=[] imageSizeBytes=null fullName=null ownerUserId=null ownerUserName=null ownerAccountNumber=null ownerAccountName=null uniqueName=null ownerFullNameCached=null state=null lastState=null stateChangeStack=null displayName=eki-8A553D65--RAMDISK id=null version=null creationTimestamp=null lastUpdateTimestamp=null naturalId=null]
Yippeee.... Trouble shooted source from


If Free/Max value is 0000/0000 for all then
a) CC not able to communicate to NC, Just test with ping <ip of node>
b) Time-value difference between CC and NC – correct with ntp
c) Password less login to NC is lost – redo ssh-copy-id
d) Already registered Ips or Keys of either CC or NC have changed
e) If none works, then regenerate the credentials using
sudo euca_conf --get-credentials <newname>.zip
unzip it and source eucarc
Transfer the zip file to NC and source eucarc there too.

[root@eucahost .euca]# euca-describe-availability-zones verbose
AVAILABILITYZONE |- vm types free / max cpu ram disk
AVAILABILITYZONE |- m1.small 0000 / 0000 1 128 2
AVAILABILITYZONE |- c1.medium 0000 / 0000 1 256 5
AVAILABILITYZONE |- m1.large 0000 / 0000 2 512 10
AVAILABILITYZONE |- m1.xlarge 0000 / 0000 2 1024 20
AVAILABILITYZONE |- c1.xlarge 0000 / 0000 4 2048 20

All the values of FREE/MAX are 0000/0000.....Trying to troubleshoot.... :(

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Eucalyptus Systems has launched version 3.2 

of its private and hybrid cloud computing software, which is compatible with Amazon Web Services (AWS). For full story
Connectivity between components failed.... it was just because the firewall was enabled :) took 2 hours to get rid of it...
Follow the Project's Page to get the detail explanation of building a private cloud using Eucalyptus ..

Monday, 5 November 2012

Welcome to the World of Cloud Computing. Here, I will be discussing my experience, works, experiments, doubts and views on Cloud Computing. Stay Tuned.....                                                 -Suresh